780 AM | 96.1 FM 


(907) 443-5221

E. Coli Outbreak Comes to Alaska: First Confirmed Cases Are Nome Inmates

Close-up view of green lettuce in pink bowl

State-wide, all eight confirmed cases of E. coli infection are inmates currently residing in Nome’s Anvil Mountain Correctional Center (AMCC). As of Wednesday, no additional E. coli cases have been reported by AMCC or elsewhere in Alaska. The Center for Disease Control recommends Alaskans avoid eating any romaine lettuce unless you can verify it is not from Yuma, Arizona.

Nome Schools May Find Funds for Music and Librarian

Superintendent Shawn Arnold discusses the Nome Public Schools fiscal year-19 draft budget at a public budget meeting (Photo: Gabe Colombo, KNOM)

Superintendent Shawn Arnold says the savings from retiring long-time teachers’ higher salaries could keep the music program off the chopping block. As for the librarian, he says: talk to your elected officials.

Snow, Snow, Snow!

Silver SUV automobile half covered in a snowbank along a snowy street in Nome.

In KNOM country, it’s been a year of heavy snowfall. A certain amount of snow is needed each winter for traditional sub-Arctic activities, whether subsistence hunting or village-to-village travel. But too much snow can cause problems.