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(907) 443-5221

Sockeye Salmon Limit Lifted on Pilgrim River

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) has announced a waiver on annual per-household harvest limits for sockeye salmon on the Pilgrim River, effective 12:01 a.m. on Monday, July 15. Recent escapement projections indicate that the escapement goal for sockeye salmon at the Pilgrim River weir will be met, with a significant harvestable surplus […]

ADF&G Announces 24 Hour Commercial Salmon Fishing Opening

Salmon caught in gillnet. Photo: Ingrid Taylar via Flickr Creative Commons.

The Alaska Department of Fish and Game has announced a 24-hour opening for commercial salmon gillnet fishing in Norton Sound Subdistricts 1 through 3. The announcement, made by Norton Sound Area Manager Kevin Clark, details the following schedule: Subdistrict 1 (Nome): Open from 9 p.m. on Thursday, June 27, until 9 p.m. on Friday, June […]

Voice Your Concerns: Federal Subsistence Regulation Suggestions Due by May 21

Multiple pink salmon swimming underwater

The deadline to submit suggestions for changes to the Federal Subsistence Management Program’s regulations is May 21. As residents of the area grapple with subsistence food insecurity due to climate and regulatory changes, the suggestion form offers people the opportunity to voice their concerns.  Regulatory changes in fishing and shellfish harvesting seasons, harvest limits, methods, […]

Crowdsourcing Conservation: App Aims to Help Protect Migratory Fish

salmon underwater

Tucked away in the remote expanses of Western Alaska, hidden streams carve through the untouched wilderness. Unique species of fish glide beneath the surface, oftentimes unnoticed and undocumented. The Alaska Fish Habitat Mapping project, more affectionately known as the “Fish Map App”, seeks to change this by documenting previously unreported migratory patterns and species.  The […]