780 AM | 96.1 FM 


(907) 443-5221

Warm Winter Greetings

Elders in Stebbins, Alaska

Volunteer news reporter Emily Russell recently returned from two special places well within KNOM’s listening range, Stebbins and Koyuk, Alaska, both of which welcomed her warmly: with hospitality, stories, and fish.

Preparing for winter

We broadcast 24 hours a day, and into our late summer weeks, it is still light well into the evening. There are many community activities to keep everyone busy, and away from the cities and villages, KNOM helps to create a positive way to make great family memories. These families are working together at fish […]

Late summer update, new construction, and a prayer request

The days are getting shorter, and the first freeze will be here very soon! Berry pickers are busy harvesting buckets of tasty treats, and the fish have finished their runs. Some of the families in our listening area will spend this season canning, freezing, and processing meat, fish, berries, and greens. We rely on the […]

Rain, fish, boats, and Rolland!

Summer storms continue to dump lots of rain, and some streams and rivers are swollen with water and fish. We have seen wonderful examples of folks sharing their catch with elders and families who really savor these fresh food staples. Recently, KNOM opened its doors to the Coast Guard to inform our listeners about voluntary […]

Fish and wildlife reports, and help from a KNOM alumnus

Fish are moving upriver, muskoxen are roaming the tundra, and bears are perched at the edge of streams looking for their next meal. Summer in bush Alaska means wildlife and fish reports on KNOM will keep everyone informed and safe. As summer progresses, our daily high temperatures are typically about 50 degrees, and we have been […]