780 AM | 96.1 FM 


(907) 443-5221

Nome City Council Talks Mining Laws, Property Abatements

Papers in Nome City Council chambers

Heated words on mining and property abatements were exchanged during what Mayor Richard Beneville called a “productive” Nome City Council meeting Monday night. The Council also addressed a possible resolution on public intoxication and vagrancy on Front Street.

Nome Deep-Draft Port Back on the Table

Nome port

More than two years since it shelved the project, the US Army Corps of Engineers will take a new look at a port expansion in Nome and split the cost with the City.

A show new to KNOM: Story49

Richard Beneville

Thanks to your support, KNOM Radio has long been a vehicle for telling uniquely Alaskan stories, whether they’re breaking news events or the life experiences of respected elders within our communities. In recent months, KNOM storytelling has taken on a new form with a show spearheaded by volunteer Emily Bieniek: Story49. Per our website, Story49 […]