780 AM | 96.1 FM 


(907) 443-5221


Although our daylight hours are increasing, the final throes of winter are long in Western Alaska. With temperatures just below freezing, small pellets of ice and snow still fall from the sky. Cooler-than-normal temperatures are slowing the retreat of the ice and snow, the air is brisk, and you can hear the occasional crackling of sea […]

Spring’s slow arrival, and a special nod from the Alaska Legislature

In rural Alaska, spring is arriving in stops and starts. As our daylight hours rapidly increase – by more than six minutes each day – our skies alternate between sunshine, clouds, and heavy fog. Temperatures hover near the freezing point during the day, and the snow and ice are beginning to recede. Perhaps most noticeably, […]

April ice, and a prestigious award

The winter weather continues: temperatures hover near zero as more ice forms on the Bering Sea. The frigid temperatures bring dazzling, clear, sunlit days and awe-inspiring nights – with the moon and stars shining brightly in the night sky. We gladly share the congratulations of the entire radio broadcasting community for KNOM’s 2013 Crystal Heritage Award […]

Coming soon: a special award – and warmer weather

The winter weather is lingering as the daylight grows, and temperatures are hovering around 5 degrees above zero. Warmer days are just around the corner, and soon, the ice will begin to melt. Many times, however, chunks of ice on the shore of the Bering Sea remain well into June, blowing out to sea only as the summer solstice looms. KNOM keeps listeners […]

In the frigid air, construction continues

The moon shines from a pale blue sky as ice crystals dance across the tundra, carried by a fierce North wind. The sun makes the snow on the land and sea ice sparkle like a billion diamonds. The ice has stopped shifting (for now), and a few brave souls are setting their crab pots through […]

Amid the deep winter, 5th graders take their turn in KNOM Studios

The frozen tundra sparkles with many shades of blue; the renewed sunlight shines across the snow covered landscape. The Bering Sea is covered with huge chunks of ice, pushed to the surface as the icepack shifts and thickens in subfreezing temperatures. Steam rises from exposed sea water. Last week, a local 5th grade class visited […]

Howling winds outside, and a mentorship in our newsroom

The winds are howling and the snow is flying as Alaska’s winter continues into 2013. The KNOM weather reports help families stay safe and plan their winter travel. However, one unaware traveler recently had to be rescued by helicopter from an ice floe due to extreme north winds (which separated the sea ice nearest Nome from its […]

KNOM Radio Mission, 2012: Twelve Snapshots

January In Nome, KNOM’s news department is on the front lines for a story with worldwide interest: the Russian tanker Renda makes an unprecedented winter fuel delivery, escorted in its journey through the frozen Bering Sea by the US Coast Guard icebreaker Healy. The delivery comes in the wake of an epic, fall 2011 storm […]

December 1986: Under a coat of ice, the tower is near collapse

December 3, 1986 A storm this week deposits ice the thickness of cucumbers on the KNOM tower and its guy wires, which sag dangerously. The tower is in imminent danger of collapsing. Tower expert Rod Ewing immediately flies in from Wasilla, Alaska to supervise Timothy Cochran and Tom Busch as they strain to keep the […]

In Western Alaska, winter’s coming – and quickly

The snow covers mountains, hills, and the tundra. On clear nights, we are blessed with colorful auroras as the night sparkles with stars and planets. The scenic majesty of bush Alaska is breathtaking during the day and at night. As the seasons change and the thermometer falls towards zero, we thank all who help us […]