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(907) 443-5221

City of Nome Finalizes $17.9 Million Budget for 2025

A long table with a gavel resting on it. American flag in background.

The Nome Common Council finalized the city’s fiscal year 2025 budget during its meeting on Monday, June 10. The approved General Municipal Fund Budget stands at $17,948,567.33, reflecting a slight decrease from the 2024 fiscal year’s amended budget. A $2,390,600.97 deficit is expected and will be financed through appropriations. Revenues Sales tax continues to be […]

Nome City Council Talks Mining Laws, Property Abatements

Papers in Nome City Council chambers

Heated words on mining and property abatements were exchanged during what Mayor Richard Beneville called a “productive” Nome City Council meeting Monday night. The Council also addressed a possible resolution on public intoxication and vagrancy on Front Street.