780 AM | 96.1 FM 


(907) 443-5221

Snow, sled dogs, and therapy

From swirling snow and whiteout blizzards to clearing skies and rapid temperature drops, the winter weather in Western Alaska changes quickly, creating many challenges for traveling and, at times, for survival. KNOM broadcasts hourly weather information to enhance and save lives. This week, the 1,000-mile 2013 Iditarod Sled Dog Race finishes in Nome. KNOM is broadcasting trail […]

The difference weather can make

What a difference the weather can make: especially in Western Alaska, and especially at this time of year. On cloudy days, the dull light blurs the snowy landscape, and depth perception, over long distances, is more difficult. This “flat light” is a challenge for all who travel on land and the frozen sea. On sunny […]

In the frigid air, construction continues

The moon shines from a pale blue sky as ice crystals dance across the tundra, carried by a fierce North wind. The sun makes the snow on the land and sea ice sparkle like a billion diamonds. The ice has stopped shifting (for now), and a few brave souls are setting their crab pots through […]

What’s a “sun dog”?

The bitterly cold temperatures are lingering, but there is more daylight to enjoy. Last week, we experienced a remarkable atmospheric phenomenon: bright, colorful spots of light on either side of the sun, observed as the sun sat low on the horizon. The scientific name is parhelion, but here in Alaska we call them “sun dogs.” […]

Amid the cold, construction begins for our new studios!

Western Alaska village temperatures are dropping, and wind chills sometimes reach 50 below. The north wind is relentless, and it is cold! Any exposed skin quickly reddens and is accompanied by an unmistakable stinging sensation, reminding you to cover up or get inside where it is warm. Even with these cold temperatures, the construction crew […]

Amid the deep winter, 5th graders take their turn in KNOM Studios

The frozen tundra sparkles with many shades of blue; the renewed sunlight shines across the snow covered landscape. The Bering Sea is covered with huge chunks of ice, pushed to the surface as the icepack shifts and thickens in subfreezing temperatures. Steam rises from exposed sea water. Last week, a local 5th grade class visited […]

KNOM heard in Sweden!

The light is returning, and on clear days, the sky radiates a sparkling, deep blue light. Sunrise and sunset glow with fiery yellow and red hues. At night, the stars and planets twinkle with occasional interruptions from majestic auroras. [googlemaps https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=forsa,+sweden&aq=&sll=64.511934,-165.419399&sspn=0.254408,0.613861&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Forsa,+G%C3%A4vleborg+County,+Sweden&t=m&ll=61.375673,20.522461&spn=5.267514,26.411133&z=5&output=embed&w=600&h=250] Last week, we received notification that a long-distance radio listener in a small village called Forsa […]

Anticipating a prestigious award

Great news! The National Association of Broadcasters has officially announced that KNOM will receive the 2013 NAB Crystal Heritage Award; it’s the broadcasting organization’s capstone award recognizing outstanding commitment to community service. We congratulate and thank all who have helped KNOM garner such a prestigious honor. Our radio station is only the fourth ever to […]

Howling winds outside, and a mentorship in our newsroom

The winds are howling and the snow is flying as Alaska’s winter continues into 2013. The KNOM weather reports help families stay safe and plan their winter travel. However, one unaware traveler recently had to be rescued by helicopter from an ice floe due to extreme north winds (which separated the sea ice nearest Nome from its […]

Weathering the season

Several additional minutes of sunlight greet us each day as we weather the cold, windy days and nights. KNOM weather reports help remote listeners prepare for the harsh conditions experienced throughout western Alaska. Our region’s extreme weather means that getting the right information at the right time is often a matter of life or death. […]