Dear Friend… (September 2021)

The strength of rural communities are their people and their love for one another.

In bush Alaska, people are always willing to lend a hand to friends and neighbors.

When you don’t have many hands to make light work, you learn to do what is necessary: to focus on what is most important, dig in, and finish the task shoulder to shoulder. The wish list is rarely fulfilled, but we always have what we need.

Here, love can look like making sure everyone catches or gathers enough food for winter, improving the insulation for an Elder’s house, or saying a prayer with someone who needs it. As rural Alaskans know, it takes all of us pitching in to get a job done.

Thank you for being a good ‘neighbor’ and lending a hand where it’s needed in Western Alaska. Without your
contributions, KNOM would not exist. Thank you!

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