780 AM | 96.1 FM 


(907) 443-5221

Embracing Culture

Radio deejay smiles inside studio, standing behind sound board, microphone, and computer screens.

With your support, KNOM embraces culture by offering programming that highlights the strength, depth, beauty, and history of Western Alaska.

Shrinking Sea Ice

An aerial view of near-shore ocean ice near the village of Shaktoolik, Alaska.

KNOM airs three daily reports of sea ice location in Western Alaska. This information has been especially important lately, as local sea ice cover has continued to decline, year over year, bringing severe impacts to our listeners.

Anticipating a Future Arctic

People sit around a conference table, engaged in conversation.

There’s a tension long felt by many KNOM listeners: between cherished, traditional lifestyles and the economics of the modern era. “We are living two lives,” said one attendee of a recent Nome conference intended to envision the future of Western Alaska.

What Augie Made Possible

Two women stand next to a large sign reading “KNOM Radio Mission | 780 AM | 96.1 FM | Augie Hiebert Broadcasting Center.”

KNOM would not exist without the help of Augie Hiebert, a legendary Alaska broadcaster who avidly championed the mission for decades.

From the GM’s Desk (May 2018)

“You are the shoulders we stand on every day,” Margaret DeMaioribus says in the end-note to the May 2018 “Static.”

Red Dog Mine Money Distributed to Improvement Fund; NAB Community Projects Being Determined

"Northwest Arctic Borough" written on the side of a government building.

A group of representatives from each of the 11 borough communities met this week in Kotzebue to define criteria for the projects. “It can’t be directed toward one entity or one person. It has to be something that’s sustainable and is shared with all the community,” according to Hiram Walker, the capital projects manager for the Village Improvement Fund. Teck Resources will contribute $8 million to the VIF this year.