Active COVID-19 Cases in Nome Down to 8, NSHC Vaccinating Group 1

UPDATE: Five Nome residents and one regional resident tested positive for the disease caused by the coronavirus over the Christmas holiday. Norton Sound Health Corporation says there are currently eight active cases in the Norton Sound region with all of them located in Nome.

Earlier today, the regional health corporation announced the latest patient to test positive for COVID-19 is a resident of the Norton Sound. NSHC did not disclose which community the individual is from, only that they are considered to be a case of community spread. In relation to this newest case, NSHC is notifying anyone who visited the Nome Recreation Center on Saturday, December 26, that they may have been exposed to the virus. The COVID-19 positive patient is currently isolating in Nome.

On Wednesday, four individuals tested positive for the virus including two NSHC employees. One of those cases is travel related and the other has been considered a community-acquired case. The regional health corporation says no hospital patients were exposed during the two employees’ infectious periods.

According to NSHC, the rest of the three active cases are all close contacts of a previously confirmed case of COVID-19. The latest Nome resident to test positive was identified on Saturday.

NSHC is reporting over 830 people have been vaccinated so far, most of which are frontline healthcare workers or first responders. Group 1 essential workers can now also receive COVID-19 vaccinations. That group includes: school teachers, taxi cab drivers, and staff in local correctional facilities.

During the pandemic, NSHC has reported 283 total confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Norton Sound. Eight are currently active while 274 are considered recovered.

Go online to to make an appointment to receive a vaccination in Nome.

Image at top: A syringe and vaccine photo by NIAID is licensed under CC BY 2.0

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