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CDC reports racial disparity in COVID impact

The Liitfik Wellness and Treatment Center will eventually live in a new, two-story building across the street from the Norton Sound Regional Hospital (pictured), according to NSHC President Angie Gorn. Photo: Laura Kraegel, KNOM.

A recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (coauthored by a Department of Health and Social Services employee) found that Alaska Native people face disproportionate risks from COVID-19, compared to white residents in Alaska.

NSHC identifies hundreds of COVID cases in 4 days

COVID-19 cases continue to surge in the Norton Sound and Bering Strait region. Norton Sound Health Corporation identified 170 new cases of COVID-19 in the region Jan. 28-30, and another 106 cases on Jan. 31.

Mask mandate in effect for Nome as COVID cases surge

Nome City Hall Building

As of this past Saturday, the City of Nome is again under a mask mandate. Nome’s City Manager Glenn Steckman issued an emergency order requiring people to wear face masks in all public places outside of their homes.

COVID cases surge in Western Alaska

Close-up of Nome and Bering Strait region on a color map of Alaska

As of yesterday there are 125 active cases of COVID-19 in the Norton Sound region. More than half of those individuals are located in Nome.