780 AM | 96.1 FM 


(907) 443-5221

Farewell, Josh!

As we’ve said before in the Static, summer is a bittersweet time at KNOM Radio Mission, as we say goodbye to the wonderful volunteers who are completing their years of service. This month will be our last with music director Joshua Cunningham, who departs in early August after a year of outstanding work. From his […]

Our 42nd birthday!

Did you know? KNOM turns 42 this month. It was on July 14, 1971 that KNOM-AM first went on the air, with a broadcast initiated by Bishop Robert Whelan, pictured. We’ve been on the air ever since, with the support of so many volunteers, staffers, community members, and of course, kind donors like you. This […]

Re-connecting with family

Volunteer Eva DeLappe (pictured, left) had a special guest earlier this spring: her twin sister Sarah (right), who spent a week visiting Nome. The week included a special celebration: both sisters’ birthday. The two also co-hosted an on-air music show, went snowshoeing near Nome, and traveled together to the community of Unalakleet (YOU-nuh-luh-kleet) to report […]


Although our daylight hours are increasing, the final throes of winter are long in Western Alaska. With temperatures just below freezing, small pellets of ice and snow still fall from the sky. Cooler-than-normal temperatures are slowing the retreat of the ice and snow, the air is brisk, and you can hear the occasional crackling of sea […]

Called to serve

With your support, the KNOM Radio Mission has been a presence in Western Alaska’s communities for more than four decades – and not always just through the airwaves. We’re so thrilled when our outstanding, full-time volunteers serve our region even beyond KNOM’s studio walls; news reporter Margaret DeMaioribus is one such volunteer. Margaret, who hails […]

Cold nights and volunteer travel

The temperatures each night are falling to about -20º F, and the stars sparkle in the dark night sky. As the moon traverses the heavens, the sound of houses crackling and snapping can be heard. As the air gets colder, pilings shift a bit, twisting home supports and floors. The night is alive with this and so many […]

Welcome back, Ben!

A familiar (and smiling) face graced KNOM studios last month: that of volunteer alumnus Ben Matheson, who donated a week of vacation time to help our mission with our coverage of the Norton Sound 450 (described in more detail elsewhere in our March newsletter). Ben’s presence within our studios was invaluable. A two-year veteran of […]

What KNOM taught

Our feature series on KNOM volunteer alumni continues with Matthew Smith, our public affairs director from 2010 to 2012 who is now continuing his career in news broadcasting with KTVA television in Anchorage. Here’s Matt, in his own words, on what KNOM has already meant to him: While I’ve only been a KNOM alumnus for […]

A spotlight on Native music

Thanks to your support, the KNOM Radio Mission continues to mean so many different things to so many different people. For many of our listeners, KNOM is a primary source of music: not just popular music but, also, the traditional music of Alaska Natives. Native culture is fundamental both to our mission and to our […]

A nod for community service

Good news: KNOM has been informed that, in a few months, we will receive a very special award from the National Association of Broadcasters (NAB)! NAB’s Crystal Award recognizes radio stations that make extraordinary contributions to the communities in their listening area. This community service award is prestigious, and over the years, KNOM has been […]