780 AM | 96.1 FM 


(907) 443-5221

Lenten Presence

Ashes in a cup

Both literally and liturgically, it’s a season of darkness turning to light in Western Alaska. Your support means so much and has a profound, daily impact.

KNOM heard in Sweden!

The light is returning, and on clear days, the sky radiates a sparkling, deep blue light. Sunrise and sunset glow with fiery yellow and red hues. At night, the stars and planets twinkle with occasional interruptions from majestic auroras. [googlemaps https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=forsa,+sweden&aq=&sll=64.511934,-165.419399&sspn=0.254408,0.613861&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Forsa,+G%C3%A4vleborg+County,+Sweden&t=m&ll=61.375673,20.522461&spn=5.267514,26.411133&z=5&output=embed&w=600&h=250] Last week, we received notification that a long-distance radio listener in a small village called Forsa […]

Weathering the season

Several additional minutes of sunlight greet us each day as we weather the cold, windy days and nights. KNOM weather reports help remote listeners prepare for the harsh conditions experienced throughout western Alaska. Our region’s extreme weather means that getting the right information at the right time is often a matter of life or death. […]

Christmas greetings, over the airwaves

KNOM broadcasts to remote listeners throughout a signal area roughly the size of California. With about 4 hours of sunlight each day at this time of year, communication can mean everything to families far away from each other. Every year, KNOM broadcasts a seven-hour Christmas greeting program (call-in show) in which families separated by hundreds […]

What we’re thankful for…

The sun dips down a little more each day, as our days get shorter and the light grows dimmer. Yet, the bright voices of our staff and volunteers shine as radio listeners throughout cold, remote western Alaska listen to their favorite radio station: KNOM! This Thanksgiving, we remembered supporters, past and present, who worked together to […]