780 AM | 96.1 FM 


(907) 443-5221

New Light

LED light

New light is beaming down on our mission these days: both indoors and out. Not only are Western Alaska’s daylight hours increasing rapidly, but we’re also continuing our initiative to replace our studios’ fluorescent lights with brighter and more energy-efficient LEDs.

Here comes the sun – a lot of it

Watch at midnight

Even for seasoned Alaskans, it still has the potential to dazzle: as you read these words, Nome is experiencing the peak of our summer’s midnight sun.


Although our daylight hours are increasing, the final throes of winter are long in Western Alaska. With temperatures just below freezing, small pellets of ice and snow still fall from the sky. Cooler-than-normal temperatures are slowing the retreat of the ice and snow, the air is brisk, and you can hear the occasional crackling of sea […]

Spring’s slow arrival, and a special nod from the Alaska Legislature

In rural Alaska, spring is arriving in stops and starts. As our daylight hours rapidly increase – by more than six minutes each day – our skies alternate between sunshine, clouds, and heavy fog. Temperatures hover near the freezing point during the day, and the snow and ice are beginning to recede. Perhaps most noticeably, […]

Our extended family

The cold temperatures and snow have created a frozen wonderland across the tundra and the icy Bering Sea. With about 4 hours of daylight, the horizon is colored with reds and oranges that dazzle. Winter is amazing! Looking back at 2012, we have seen so many people work to keep KNOM radio a vital mission! […]

In Western Alaska, winter’s coming – and quickly

The snow covers mountains, hills, and the tundra. On clear nights, we are blessed with colorful auroras as the night sparkles with stars and planets. The scenic majesty of bush Alaska is breathtaking during the day and at night. As the seasons change and the thermometer falls towards zero, we thank all who help us […]