780 AM | 96.1 FM 


(907) 443-5221

Shrinking Sea Ice

An aerial view of near-shore ocean ice near the village of Shaktoolik, Alaska.

KNOM airs three daily reports of sea ice location in Western Alaska. This information has been especially important lately, as local sea ice cover has continued to decline, year over year, bringing severe impacts to our listeners.

Snow, Snow, Snow!

Silver SUV automobile half covered in a snowbank along a snowy street in Nome.

In KNOM country, it’s been a year of heavy snowfall. A certain amount of snow is needed each winter for traditional sub-Arctic activities, whether subsistence hunting or village-to-village travel. But too much snow can cause problems.

Now in the Forecast: Sea Ice

Two people, wearing heavy parkas, hold long poles with iron hooks at the end, standing on sea ice, with a large vessel in the background.

Information on the extent of ocean ice, especially close to shore, is essential for Western Alaska residents during the cold months. Thanks to you, listeners now hear this information as part of KNOM’s weather forecasts.