780 AM | 96.1 FM 


(907) 443-5221

Dear Friend… (Christmas 2021)

Wintertime Alaska offers challenges and gifts. It is a time for hibernation and enjoying the fish and berries gathered during warmer months. The sea ice makes it possible to hunt animals that are too far out in the ocean during the summer months. When daylight returns in early spring, the ice and snow makes transportation […]

Eucharistic Procession in Nome Draws Crowd

After a dark and rainy week in Nome, the sun shone through the clouds just in time for the Feast of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary. This year St. Joseph Church and KNOM celebrated Christ’s presence in the Eucharist with a procession through town. Ever since he moved to Nome from India four years […]

Norton Sound Elders Create Glossary for Research, Policy

This fall, a group of Elders and language experts created a glossary of terms for research, science and policy in the English, Inupiaq, St. Lawrence Island Yupik, and Yup’ik (or Yugtun) languages. The document is published by Kawerak, the tribal non-profit for the region. Their goal is to give researchers and decision-makers access to the […]

New Spot Series: Living Out Advent

Throughout the month of December, a brand new series of spots written for Advent invites listeners to reflection, contemplation, and spiritual application. For four weeks, local community members share how they experience hope, love, joy, and peace as we await the birth of Christ together. You can follow along with the series on KNOM’s website […]

Our Pledge to Benefactors

In its fiftieth year, the mission is re-stating its commitment to you – our steadfast supporters and friends. KNOM’s philosophy of stewardship sets it apart from many other charities. If you donate, this is KNOM’s commitment to you: Your personal information has never, and will never, be traded, sold, or otherwise shared with anyone. Your […]

After Hours-Effort Saves Christmas Day Play

This year, KNOM will ring in Christmas Day with the old and the new! Due to staff shortages, the traditional volunteer-led project of writing an original Christmas play was canceled. However, in a moment of clarity, KNOM volunteers knew that they had to step in and save the play. Les Brown dreamed up KNOM’s first […]

This Christmas, Would You Equip KNOM for the Future?

In 2016, KNOM dedicated its digital studies in memory of late General Manager Tom Busch. The digital system can be updated piece by piece, rather than replacing entire studios — or worse, the entire system — in the event of a failure. As of this fall, nearly all KNOM’s monitors are two to five years […]