780 AM | 96.1 FM 


(907) 443-5221

Father Ross, Back from Diomede

Father Ross Tozzi in KNOM's new digital studios

Serving the people of Western Alaska takes one to incredible places. Father Ross Tozzi recently returned from an extraordinary, unexpectedly lengthy stay in one of our region’s most singular communities, and later this month, he’ll be traveling again: this time, out of Western Alaska, entirely.

A Singular Year for the Iditarod

Matthew and Rob, Fairbanks airport, Iditarod 2015

In March, the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race traversed the wilds of Alaska. As we’ve done every year, KNOM covered the incredible sporting event both from Nome and on-location: from the remote, interior Alaska checkpoints of this year’s unusual race route.

A Day of Blindingly Fast Sleds

Jenn Ruckel at Nome-Golovin 2015

In mid-March, amid all the excitement of Iditarod, KNOM rallied to cover another thoroughly Alaskan sporting event: a fast sprint race on snowmachines that captures the pride and attention of our region.

Looking Back: 5, 10, 15 Years

Laureli Ivanoff in Anchorage, Iditarod 2010

From Iditarod pilots to chest-high snow drifts, here’s a quick look back at what early spring has brought to our mission in recent years (2000, 2005, and 2010).