‘Dear Friend of KNOM’ (January 2019)

Dear Friend of KNOM,

Sometimes, the evolution and maturation of the KNOM Mission becomes evident through traditions, like the annual Christmas radio plays.

Originally, the plays cast roles to only the volunteer community (20 or more in the early days), which included nurses who supported the mission with their paychecks. Fast forward four decades, and the 2018 radio play featured nearly all voices from the community of Nome, and only bit parts by KNOM staff. Daniel Komok was delighted to play the part of the Aapa, or grandpa, in the radio drama.

As the calendars turn over from year to year, we see the slow and steady progress of the ministry of KNOM: taking root, growing branches and becoming an inviting place for shade, sharing and shelter.

Thank you for your loyal, generous, and prayerful support and encouragement.

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