After a Year on the Run, Kobuk Suspect Surrenders to Police

53 year-old Clifton R. Sun, a wanted suspect in Kobuk, turned himself in on July 22nd — a year after a warrant was issued for his arrest.

Sergeant Timothy Burt of the Alaska State Troopers in Kotzebue speculates that the natural wear and tear Sun went through contributed to his eventual surrender.

“(I) speculate that, after a year on the run — and a good part of that is living out in the wildlands — it probably wasn’t very comfortable for him, and he grew tired of that lifestyle and gave up,” said Sgt. Burt.

Back in late May of 2015, a warrant was issued for Sun’s arrest based on various sexual abuse and assault charges. For fourteen months, Sun was able to remain undetained by law enforcement.

Sgt. Burt says this was due to assistance Sun received from some people around him. “(Sun) was being supported by others who were either actively supporting him by providing food and material support or folks who would not cooperate or call in when he was seen,” stated Burt via phone call.

Burt says that collaboration between law enforcement and a community grassroots group was successful in finally apprehending Sun, who is now being held at the Kotzebue jail.

Sun’s arraignment took place on July 24th, and his preliminary hearing is scheduled for August 3rd.

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