A moment of need

Dear friend of KNOM,

Rarely have we needed your help more than we do now.

We know you hold our mission dear, so we want you to know the extent of our difficult circumstances.

For a variety of reasons – including the passing of many dear friends and supporters – the financial standing of KNOM Radio Mission has taken a severe downturn. In the months since Christmas, our donated income has fallen at an unexpected and staggering rate.

To put it simply, our funds are in very short supply, to the extent that drastic measures may need to be taken in the future.

As with the many struggles we have faced from KNOM’s inception through today, we plan to meet this financial challenge. Indeed, we intend not just to endure these hard times but, also, to emerge from them an even more effective, efficient, and energized organization – an organization worthy of your pride and support.

Initial pleas for help have been positive and extremely encouraging, but we need your help to sustain the momentum. We ask that you stand with us, whether through your prayers, your thoughts, or your financial gifts.

Within KNOM’s walls, we are already taking many steps to actively address our financial shortage. We’ve reduced expenses to a “shoestring” budget; we’ve accelerated our efforts to enhance our online giving; and we’ve drawn up a contingency plan in the event that our finances do not improve.

As you’ll read here, we’ve also begun to accept unwanted gift cards as a means of giving to KNOM. These cards will help sustain our crucially-needed mission in this challenging time and beyond.

Meanwhile, the work of our mission – to serve the communities of Western Alaska – is as vibrant as ever. In this month’s newsletter, we hope you’ll discover just what a difference your support makes.

Longtime readers of the Static know that KNOM consciously tries to remain positive and upbeat in everything we do. Unfortunately, this positive communication may sometimes, unintentionally, give the impression that we are self-sufficient. In all aspects of our mission, however, KNOM is fully dependent upon the generosity of others.

So it is that we humbly turn to you and ask for your prayers, that people with the means to help our radio mission will join us in serving our Arctic neighbors.

Thank you for all you do. Together, our mission radiates hope.



This article is part of the June 2013 edition of our newsletter, The Nome Static.

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