780 AM | 96.1 FM 


(907) 443-5221

FEMA Announces $108 Million Awarded to Merbok Related Projects

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Alaska Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Management (DHSEM) announced the approval of $108.8 million for Alaskan communities reeling from 2022’s Typhoon Merbok. The storm’s 75 mph winds, relentless rain, and unusually high sea swells flooded communities across western Alaska. Following a formal request from Governor Mike Dunleavy, […]

Shrinking Sea Ice

An aerial view of near-shore ocean ice near the village of Shaktoolik, Alaska.

KNOM airs three daily reports of sea ice location in Western Alaska. This information has been especially important lately, as local sea ice cover has continued to decline, year over year, bringing severe impacts to our listeners.

AM Transmitter Woes

The KNOM AM transmitter site, surrounded by snowy tundra.

KNOM’s AM transmitter, now in its third decade of service, is nearing the end of its usable life. As multiple outages in recent months have shown, the time has come to replace it.

Smoke in the Sky!

Smoke in Nome's weather forecast

Daily life in Alaska is predictably unpredictable, and this summer’s weather in Western Alaska was no exception.

Keeping the station warm

Our new boiler

It might seem like a routine or prosaic replacement, but for a radio station in the sub-Arctic, it’s utterly crucial: last month, KNOM replaced the boiler in its studios (as pictured, mid-replacement, above). Our studio boiler, which generates the heat for the ambient temperature of the building, had been in need of a permanent fix […]

Iditarod: a red-letter year

Dog team, Iditarod 2014 start

As part of our April 2014 newsletter, take a look back at an incredible, exceptional Iditarod: both for our radio mission and for the Last Great Race itself.

A very strange winter thaw

January thaw in Nome

The streets looked like springtime, and the air was so warm – by Alaskan standards, at least – it might have been mistaken for summer. But the date wasn’t in May or June; it was late January. On January 27th, Nome broke a high temperature record not just for the day, but for the winter […]

Three years ago, ten years ago

Ric shoveling

While Nome has experienced a relatively warm winter this year – with widespread melting and relatively little snow to speak of – winter in our region is, as you might expect, often the opposite. Here are two examples. In 2011, only three years ago, our snow cover – and our exposure to heavy winter storms […]