780 AM | 96.1 FM 


(907) 443-5221

A very strange winter thaw

January thaw in Nome

The streets looked like springtime, and the air was so warm – by Alaskan standards, at least – it might have been mistaken for summer. But the date wasn’t in May or June; it was late January. On January 27th, Nome broke a high temperature record not just for the day, but for the winter […]

A DIY solution for an askew building

We’ve been working hard to stretch our financial resources. Sometimes, that means being creative in problem-solving, even when the ground is literally shifting underneath us – as it has, in recent weeks, at our AM transmitter site. KNOM’s AM transmitter building and tower sit on the outskirts of Nome, about 3 miles east of town. From one season to […]

A failed sensor and a frozen pipe

At times, KNOM staff and volunteers face a variety of challenges. Last week brought engineering, computer, and plumbing difficulties, but with the help of professionals and an energetic staff, each problem was identified, and, when possible, solved. Among our glitches was a malfunctioning temperature sensor at our studio building. The sensor is designed to feed […]