780 AM | 96.1 FM 


(907) 443-5221

Norway’s Ulsom Wins Iditarod

At Iditarod finish line, musher interacts with race officials and smiles for press photos.

Last month marked another running of Alaska’s epic, 1,000-mile Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. 2018 brought a fresh face to the roster of race champions — and saw KNOM volunteer alumni on the trail, both as reporters and even as a competitor.

Volunteers, Past and Future

KNOM Volunteer Alumnae

It’s the time of year when we’re recruiting for the next class of KNOM volunteers, the lifeblood of our daily efforts in rural Alaska. As we prepare for future generations of KNOMers, we’re also reminded of the lives that have been changed, and special connections forged, during more than four decades of volunteer service in Nome.

In 2015, a Special Race Season

Deb and Rolland Trowbridge and Tara Cicatello, departing Nome for Bethel to compete in the Kuskokwim 300, a mid-distance sled dog race in southwestern Alaska.

In Western Alaska, it’s race season: the time for the sled dog races that so inspire and excite our region. This year’s races are a special source of pride for our mission, since KNOMers are involved in the races both as reporters and as competitors.

Alumnae, Back at the Microphone

Tara Cicatello in Studio A

There’s an infectious spirit of service at the heart of our mission; it’s been at the core of what we do, and how we view our role in rural Alaska, since our earliest days on the air in 1971. Like Les Brown (about whom we’ve written elsewhere in our November newsletter), the people who work […]

“A Year on Top of the World”

The 2013-2014 class of KNOM volunteers

As we say goodbye to the 2013-2014 class of KNOM volunteers, we offer snapshots of their recent writing on our website; each offers a glimpse at what makes our volunteer program so special and so crucial.

A healthy start to the day

Breakfast Wednesday: Haley, Ashley, Megan, and Dayneé

Thanks to you, KNOM continues to be a place where nutrition and health are regularly encouraged. One example: the Morning Show and Breakfast Wednesday.

Our volunteers, busy traveling

Tara and Emily

Our volunteers remain busy! Recently, Tara and Emily (pictured, top) have traveled to the village of Elim (EE-lum) to represent KNOM at a youth career fair, and Dayneé has gone to Kiana (keye-ANN-uh, pictured below) to gather materials for her ongoing radio spot production. Newsie Zach has traveled to Savoonga (as described here) and is just […]

Volunteer travel

Anna Rose and Emily at a career fair

Our volunteers have been keeping busy this winter. It’s par for the course for our volunteer program, but our 2013-2014 volunteers – Dayneé, Anna Rose, Tara, Zach, and Emily – have all been putting in extra effort to reach out to the communities we serve. In January, all five volunteers were scheduled to take outreach […]

Gone country

Tara hosts AK Country

With each new class of KNOM volunteers comes a new wave of energy and fresh ideas for how to make our mission even better. This year’s class of KNOM volunteers (2013-2014) is no different. In early January, first-year volunteer producer Tara Cicatello (pictured) debuted a new country show on our airwaves, AK Country. The program […]