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(907) 443-5221

Public Awareness, Engagement Needed to Monitor Risk of Spreading Bird Flu to Mammals

A decomposing seal carcass lays on a beach in the Norton Sound. Sarah Swartz photo. Concerns over highly pathogenic influenza viruses in wild birds and domestic poultry in Alaska were discussed during a Strait Science webinar held over Zoom on Thursday, March 28. This event hosted by the University of Alaska Fairbanks Northwest Campus and […]

‘Rivers of Gold’ Proposes Offshore Gold Mining Project for Solomon Area; Permit Process in Early Stages

Solomon River, Nome

Rivers of Gold has submitted its permit application to the Department of Natural Resources, seeking to mine specifically in the Solomon area. Both the Northern Norton Sound Fish & Game Advisory Committee and Kawerak have sent letters to DNR opposing this mining project. Given the nature of the proposed mining project, Rivers of Gold will also be required to file a permit application with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.