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City of Nome Mill Rate Set for 2024, Increase to Property Taxes Likely

Present members of the Nome Common Council voted to set the mill rate for 2024 at 11.5, marking an increase from the previous year’s rate of 10.5. The resolution, identified as No. R-24-05-04, was read during a City Council meeting held on May 28. For property owners, this adjustment will mean higher property taxes. The […]

Nome City Council Talks Mining Laws, Property Abatements

Papers in Nome City Council chambers

Heated words on mining and property abatements were exchanged during what Mayor Richard Beneville called a “productive” Nome City Council meeting Monday night. The Council also addressed a possible resolution on public intoxication and vagrancy on Front Street.

Nome City Council Decides on Local Division of NSEDC Community Benefit Share

A dilapidated structure in downtown Nome, believed to have once been the home of Leonhard Seppala.

The Nome City Council announced this week how it would parcel out the Nome share of $133,333 from the mid-year NSEDC community benefit funds. Those awarded money are the Bering Sea Women’s Group, Leonhard Seppala House Project, and Nome’s preschool, NYO, community center, hockey rink, homeless shelter, and high school.

City Council Passes FY 2019 Budgets; Deficit is Projected at $1.6 Million

Mayor Beneville, sitting at a desk, signs resolutions while City Clerk Hammond, standing next to him, looks on.

The six present councilmen voted unanimously last night to approve the amended general fund budget as well as the other six fiscal year 2019 City budgets. Those include funds to renovate the Anvil City Science Academy bathrooms, upgrade some of the City’s boilers, and adopt the Port of Nome’s $1,762,969.00 budget.

City Council Elects to Not Vacate Right-Of-Way, Moves Fiscal Year 2019 Budgets Forward

Two NPD officers take their oaths of office, led by City Clerk Bryant Hammond, during a regular City Council meeting. Photo Credit: Davis Hovey, KNOM (2018)

Before concluding Tuesday night’s meeting, the Council approved a resolution to increase the mill rate from ten to 11 for this calendar year (2018) and authorized the lease of municipal property to the Federal Aviation Administration for an eight-year period. One ordinance that didn’t pass would have vacated the right-of-way in block 96 of Tobuk Alley.