780 AM | 96.1 FM 


(907) 443-5221

Howling winds outside, and a mentorship in our newsroom

The winds are howling and the snow is flying as Alaska’s winter continues into 2013. The KNOM weather reports help families stay safe and plan their winter travel. However, one unaware traveler recently had to be rescued by helicopter from an ice floe due to extreme north winds (which separated the sea ice nearest Nome from its […]

Congrats to the news crew!

It’s an exciting time for our mission: our news team is the recipient of two highly-coveted awards from the Alaska Broadcasters Association (ABA)! The ABA Goldie Awards recognize excellence in radio and TV broadcasting across the state of Alaska, and in November, the organization honored KNOM news with awards in the categories “Service to Children” […]

Bright colors in the cold skies, and warm thanks from a listener

The Northern sky has seen a thousand shades of red and yellow as the sun pokes up in the southeast and sinks into the southwest. There have been beautiful auroras streaming in the night sky: like sparkling, swirling curtains of green and red light. God has blessed us with a bounty of beauty, reminding us, […]

A more beautiful Nome

The KNOM news department has recently reported on beautification efforts made by the city of Nome: the “abatement” (or demolition) of a number of abandoned structures. In the small communities we serve, these small civic improvements can make a big difference in town pride and even public safety; on rare occasions, abandoned structures can become […]

This just in!

Just before the deadline for the Christmas 2012 Static (our newsletter), we received great news: KNOM had received two Goldie Awards at the annual convention of the Alaska Broadcasters Association! The awards recognize KNOM news programs; you’ll find more details here, as well as in our forthcoming Year-End 2012 newsletter.

Meet Margaret

Our mission’s new volunteer news reporter, Margaret DeMaioribus, arrived at KNOM in late summer and has hit the ground running. On weekdays, our listeners hear her voice in weather forecasts and news reports on the latest developments happening in their communities. Margaret has a diverse background. She graduated in 2009 from West Chester University of […]

As the snow falls, thanks from a listener

Temperatures – and snowflakes! – continue to fall, and the ground is solidly frozen. Cold mornings and evenings are highlighted by beautifully colorful sunrises and sunsets. We are truly blessed to be a part of this radio mission serving Western Alaska. Last week, we received a phone call from a listener. She thanked us for […]

In Western Alaska, winter’s coming – and quickly

The snow covers mountains, hills, and the tundra. On clear nights, we are blessed with colorful auroras as the night sparkles with stars and planets. The scenic majesty of bush Alaska is breathtaking during the day and at night. As the seasons change and the thermometer falls towards zero, we thank all who help us […]

September 2001: Our broadcasts on a terrible day

September 11, 2001 Starting at 6am, KNOM airs 68 hours of live, continuous news coverage on the terrible events of today, interrupted only three times: for weather, for important announcements, and for the Rosary.

September 2008: Amy departs

September 1, 2008 After more than six years of service to the mission, Amy Flaherty departs for more urban parts of Alaska. She has produced hundreds of programs and news interviews. Her replacement is Laureli Kinneen, who grew up in the town of Unalakleet, 146 miles southeast of Nome. Her husband Fen was raised in […]