780 AM | 96.1 FM 


(907) 443-5221

Gospel Truth

Thanks to your support, the faithful in Western Alaska can hear the weekly Gospel readings and the Word of God at Sunday Mass — even in the many communities where there is no local clergy.

Made it to 42!

As you may know, on July 14, 1971, a dedicated staff of volunteers helped to launch a new kind of radio station. KNOM signed on as a mission radio station: a unifying source of inspiration, education, news, and entertainment. At 42 years old, KNOM is the oldest Catholic radio station in the United States. Since 1971, we […]

Loss, companionship, and service

KNOM Radio Mission president and St. Joseph parish pastor Ross Tozzi has just returned to Nome after ministering to his family and his father Ezio, who passed away May 22nd. Please pray with us for Ezio, Fr. Ross, and his entire family. Thank you. Last week, we received a phone call from a listener who was suffering […]

Elder Voices: Betty Segock

“Always teaching Always learning An Elder speaks While listeners observe intently Learning from brain to heart…” – Yaayuk Alvanna Stimpfle Episode I: Elim Episode II: Solomon Episode III: Nome, Elim, and God

Elder Voices: Harriet Penayah, Part Two

This series features Yupik elder Harriet Penayah. Listen to the first episode here. For most of her life, Harriet Penayah worked as a health aide in Savoonga. She tended to the wounded and sick within her community, stitching up cuts, transfusing blood, and even delivering twins. There were no doctors in Savoonga. No nurses. But Harriet says […]

Elder Voices: Raymond Seetok Sr.

This month’s Elder Voices celebrates Raymond Seetok Sr, a Kingikmiut elder from Wales. Raymond was born in Wales in 1946. A whaling captain, husband, and father, he grew up with twelve siblings in the traditional Inupiaq way. He speaks about the hardships he faced, and Inupiaq lessons his elders and parents passed onto him about […]

Weathering the season

Several additional minutes of sunlight greet us each day as we weather the cold, windy days and nights. KNOM weather reports help remote listeners prepare for the harsh conditions experienced throughout western Alaska. Our region’s extreme weather means that getting the right information at the right time is often a matter of life or death. […]

Far from Alaska, celebrations for a unique saint

While we don’t normally detail the personal travel of our staff members in the Static, one of their recent trips stands out. In October, Father Ross Tozzi – KNOM board president and pastor of Nome’s St. Joseph Catholic Church – traveled all the way to Rome, Italy. Fr. Ross (pictured) gathered in St. Peter’s Square […]

A request for prayers

In this season of giving thanks, we begin our (November 2012) newsletter with gratitude and a humble request for prayers – in both cases, directed towards KNOM’s spiritual advisor, the Reverend Armand Nigro, SJ. Father Armand has been a priest for nearly seven decades. In that time, he has been an active fixture of the […]

41 candles on our birthday cake!

On July 14, 1971, a dedicated staff of volunteers helped to launch a new kind of radio station. KNOM signed on as a mission radio station: a unifying source of inspiration, education, news, and entertainment. Today, KNOM is the oldest Catholic radio station in the United States. Over the years, we have heard so many […]