780 AM | 96.1 FM 


(907) 443-5221

Welcome to the World, Amos!

A close-up of infant Amos Collins

The KNOM family grew by one just a few weeks ago, with the birth of the second son of Program Director Laura Collins and her husband, Jeff.

Meet Miles

Miles Collins

We’re so happy to tell you that one of KNOM’s permanent staffers and a former community deejay — Laura (Davis) Collins and husband Jeff — have just welcomed a new member of their family. Laura gave birth to their first child, Miles John Collins, at 7:55am on September 1st in Anchorage. Miles was 6 pounds, […]

October 2006: 28 weeks premature, Sophia Woyte is born

October 19, 2006 In Anchorage, doctors wait as long as they can, but they can’t wait long, and they deliver 2-pound 4-ounce Sophia Woyte, 28 weeks premature. Tom Busch takes pictures of mother and baby and e-mails them to Lynette Schmidt in Nome, who prints and gives them to Sophia’s small worried siblings, to assure […]