780 AM | 96.1 FM 


(907) 443-5221

KNOM heard in Sweden!

The light is returning, and on clear days, the sky radiates a sparkling, deep blue light. Sunrise and sunset glow with fiery yellow and red hues. At night, the stars and planets twinkle with occasional interruptions from majestic auroras. [googlemaps https://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=forsa,+sweden&aq=&sll=64.511934,-165.419399&sspn=0.254408,0.613861&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Forsa,+G%C3%A4vleborg+County,+Sweden&t=m&ll=61.375673,20.522461&spn=5.267514,26.411133&z=5&output=embed&w=600&h=250] Last week, we received notification that a long-distance radio listener in a small village called Forsa […]

Bright colors in the cold skies, and warm thanks from a listener

The Northern sky has seen a thousand shades of red and yellow as the sun pokes up in the southeast and sinks into the southwest. There have been beautiful auroras streaming in the night sky: like sparkling, swirling curtains of green and red light. God has blessed us with a bounty of beauty, reminding us, […]

In Western Alaska, winter’s coming – and quickly

The snow covers mountains, hills, and the tundra. On clear nights, we are blessed with colorful auroras as the night sparkles with stars and planets. The scenic majesty of bush Alaska is breathtaking during the day and at night. As the seasons change and the thermometer falls towards zero, we thank all who help us […]