Sportscasting: Nome Volleyball Seniors On the Court

“The alumni team have a one-point lead here; Senora Ahmasuk is serving… Nice jump serve! That was going in the back corner. Claire Hansen gets it over too, Senora sets it up for the alumni, Carrie is rolling it over to Megan who is going to just tip it over the net, and that’s enough to get them a POINT! 6-4 to Alumni!”

That’s what it sounds like when KNOM radio announcers turn into high school sportscasters on a Friday night.

For a long time, no sports events were scheduled for this school year. The Nome women’s high school volleyball team thought they wouldn’t play at all this year. However, one dedicated coach called around and found local
alumni who were willing to play against the seniors for a one-night-only Senior Night game.

Then, a phone call came from the radio station that normally broadcasts the games. Their staff was unavailable that night: could someone from KNOM come help?

The school’s student activities set up cameras so people could watch online, and KNOM provided audio. The announcers said they were grateful to help recognize students together with listeners across the region.

Image at top: Davis Hovey, operations manager, and Ric Schmidt, interim general manager, moonlight as play-by-play sports announcers for a volleyball game at Nome-Beltz High School.

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