780 AM | 96.1 FM 


(907) 443-5221

Congrats to the news crew!

It’s an exciting time for our mission: our news team is the recipient of two highly-coveted awards from the Alaska Broadcasters Association (ABA)! The ABA Goldie Awards recognize excellence in radio and TV broadcasting across the state of Alaska, and in November, the organization honored KNOM news with awards in the categories “Service to Children” […]

Studio fund: over $400,000!

Step by step, our studio renovation and expansion project – the Tom and Florence Busch Digital Studios – is moving forward as the calendar turns over into 2013. As we go to press, we’re anticipating the first phases of construction to begin any day. Our contractors will use the special shipments of wood, pictured at […]

Signs of the season

It’s a strikingly dark time of year in Western Alaska. On clear days, we’re treated to gorgeous sunrises and sunsets (like the one pictured above); the sun rises just shy of 12 noon and sets before 4pm. While the sunlight is brief, the darkness allows KNOM’s Christmas star – perched atop our FM transmitter tower […]

Financial report: coming soon

As you read this, we’re busy preparing our financial summaries for 2012. We’ll have a breakdown of our income and expenditures in the January 2013 issue of the Static. Stay tuned!

KNOM Radio Mission, 2012: Twelve Snapshots

January In Nome, KNOM’s news department is on the front lines for a story with worldwide interest: the Russian tanker Renda makes an unprecedented winter fuel delivery, escorted in its journey through the frozen Bering Sea by the US Coast Guard icebreaker Healy. The delivery comes in the wake of an epic, fall 2011 storm […]