NWS: Sea Ice Lows in Alaska Made This Winter ‘Unprecedented’

Rick Thoman, the National Weather Service manager for the Alaska region, recently joined KNOM’s Exchange program to recap the winter of 2017-2018 in Western Alaska — and what made it “unprecedented” compared to other winters in recorded history.

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Resources and related links: get more information and submit weather observations:

Sea Ice for Walrus Outlook, Arctic Research Consortium of the United States

Alaska Sea Ice Program, National Weather Service

Image at top: file photo: sea ice and the snowy shoreline near Shishmaref. Photo: Maddie Winchester, KNOM.

April 2nd satellite photo of sea ice coverage in the Bering and Chukchi Seas. Photo Credit: Rick Thoman, NWS (2018)
April 2nd satellite photo of sea ice coverage in the Bering and Chukchi Seas. Photo Credit: Rick Thoman, NWS (2018)

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