Rolland Trowbridge, from Nome, earned the Red Lantern award Sunday in Bethel in the 2014 Kuskokwim 300 Sled Dog Race.
Finishing with 10 dogs just before noon, he successfully completed his first sled dog race.
With his wife and two daughters there to greet him on the Kuskokwim River, he was happy to be at the finish line. The 35th running of the Kusko 300 – while warm – was a tough one when it came to the trail conditions. Some veterans are calling it the 2nd toughest K300 in history.
Hear Rolland speak of his first sled dog race:
Audio PlayerTrowbridge plans on racing in the 2014 Kobuk 440, along with another mid-distance qualifier to enter the 2015 Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race.