780 AM | 96.1 FM 


(907) 443-5221

Dallas Seavey Maintains Lead Into McGrath, 315 Miles to Go

Dallas Seavey in McGrath

Seavey maintains his lead by a few hours. He still does have to take an eight hour break, as per races rules. He can take that here in McGrath, or in Nikolai or Takotna. Sass must also take that eight-hour layover. Meanwhile, Ryan Redington and Aaron Burmeister, in fourth and fifth positions, have taken that required layover. That could give them a strategic advantage as the race continues.

Nome City Council Begins Discussion on Real Property Sales Tonight

A long table with a gavel resting on it. American flag in background.

They plan to approve the dates for the Board of Equalization meeting and begin discussions on selling some city owned real properties. The Nome Planning Commission recommends allowing unused city property to be sold over- the counter if nobody bids on the property. Those discussions will begin tonight.

Iditarod Mushers Depart Rainy Pass Monday Morning With Ryan Redington Leading

Man in bright green parka stands in front of a sled dog team resting on the ground.

As of ten o’clock Monday morning, Ryan Redington is the first musher to check in and out of the checkpoint at Rainy Pass in the 2021 Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. Redington took a quick 10 minute break at the checkpoint before heading back out on the trail toward Rohn. Redington checked out of Rainy Pass at 7:24AM with 14 dogs after checking into the checkpint at 7:14AM.

Diesel Fuel Spills at Savoonga Power Plant, Tundra and Sea Unaffected So Far

Savoonga, Alaska, in winter.

Operators at the Savoonga Power Plant are cleaning up between 15 and 20 thousand gallons of diesel fuel after a temporary fix on a fuel line failed over the weekend. On Saturday, Alaska Village Electric Cooperative workers in Savoonga noticed diesel fuel from one of their bulk oil storage tanks overflowing into the secondary containment […]