Going to the Gym in Subzero Temperatures: A Step by Step Guide

on wednesday evening as I left work a little after 6:00pm, I checked the temperature on my phone. The real feel was five below, and any hints of daylight had already disappeared from the sky about an hour before.

I headed to the house and began preparing for my daily trek to the rec center. The rec center in many ways feels like a second home to me, as a place where I typically spend about 7 or 8 hours a week. And though my routines at the gym have been fairly consistent since my arrival to Nome in June, my routine of getting there has changed drastically. So as I pondered the changes in the weather, and my own parallel changes in routine, I figured I would share with you some tips that I have found useful for staying warm and getting to the gym in one piece.

A step by step guide to going to the gym in subzero temperatures:

Step 1. Get into your gym clothes

Step 2. Put on your heavy warm up pants, a sweatshirt, and a hat

Step 3. Send any necessary texts before putting on your gloves, then put your shoes, water bottle, keys, iPod, phone, etc., in your gym bag

Step 4. Put on your heavy coat, gloves, and boots

Step 5. Pull your hood on over your hat and pull it close around your face using the drawstrings

Step 6. Exit your house

Step 7. Slip over ice as you carefully make your way to the rec center, using only the light from passing cars to guide your way

Step 8. Get chased by a tiny puppy in the dark (this is a recent addition to my routine, with the puppy only having appeared in the last week or so)

Step 9. Arrive at the gym and take all of your outerwear back off

Step 10. Participate in the form of exercise of your choice

Step 11. Do it all again in reverse

While preparing for exercise in the below-zero temperatures can be kind of a hassle, I’m thankful that I’m able to continue my routines no matter the weather. And next June, when I’m once again walking to the gym in the brilliant daylight in my shorts, boots, and t-shirt, I’m sure I’ll look back on these winter adventures with a smile.

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