Kotzebue’s Fire Chief Arrested for DUI While Driving City Vehicle

Kotzebue’s Fire Chief is appearing in court today after being arrested on Saturday for drunk driving.

According to a press release from Kotzebue’s Police Department, 37-year-old Sean Ralston was driving the city’s Fire Chief vehicle when an officer stopped him outside his home.

Ralston showed signs of impairment during a Field Sobriety Test and was taken into custody. A police officer found one crushed and one half-full beer can on the driver side floor of the Fire Chief vehicle.

Ralston was taken to the Kotzebue Regional Jail, where he blew a .167 breath alcohol content. That’s more than twice the legal limit in the state of Alaska.

Ralston was charged with driving under the influence, and his arraignment is scheduled for Thursday afternoon at 1:15.

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