Additional $500,000 Dedicated to NJUS Account Ahead of Proposed “Master Plan” Projects

Resolution 17-04, which proposes dedicating $500,000 to a reserve bank account for enhanced financial health, was passed at the March 28 meeting of the Nome Joint Utility System (NJUS) Board.

The half-million-dollar sum will join a previously-deposited balance of around $600,000 into the general fund reserve bank account established by the NJUS board. The use of the account funds is dedicated to future needs of matching grants or other utility maintenance needs beyond annual operating expenses.

Resolution 17-04 was passed after continued discussion on the Water-Sewer Master Plan, which details priority improvement projects for NJUS. The discussion was led by Mike Erdman, an engineer from CE2 Engineers, Inc., based in Anchorage.

Though nine potential construction projects are listed through the year 2021, along with other undated planning and design projects, Erdman clarified the purpose of the Master Plan as “a bit of a wish list.” “In some cases,” he said, “funding comes available for planning as opposed to construction.”

Erdman also assured the board that the plan was flexible: “none of these are locked in stone; you’re not obligated to do any of those.”

After lengthy discussion, Chairman Carl Emmons summarized the board’s initial decision regarding the Master Plan for Utility Manager John Handeland, who briefly had to step out of the meeting, thusly: “well, I think that the general consensus is that 6 & I, and move forward with, towards that.”

Emmons referred to the Master Plan’s recommended construction project for 2017, listed as “6th Avenue and ‘I’ Street Water and Sewer Replacement.”

The rescheduled NJUS board meeting ended with an executive session. The next regularly scheduled meeting will be on April 18th at 7:30pm.

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