Unalakleet Man Charged With Manslaughter Remanded to AMCC After Nome Court Hearing

Ransom Bradley III appeared before Judge Romano DiBenedetto at the Nome Court House on Friday afternoon for his remand hearing.

Earlier this month, Bradley was arraigned in Nome with one charge of manslaughter and one charge of murder in the second degree. Those charges were related to a 4-wheeler crash that occurred in Unalakleet on May 4th while Bradley was driving Kevin Bradley near Powers Creek. Kevin Bradley was found deceased near the crash site by Alaska State Troopers that same day.

During the hearing today, Bradley’s lawyer, Zachary Davies, informed the court of unique health conditions existing in Bradley’s case.

“Your honor, just one concern before Mr. Bradley remands, and that is he is currently on prescribed medication to deal with his pain. He suffered a fracture to his upper vertebrate and is still managing. He is concerned about the availability of this medication while he is in custody, so our concern is making sure he’s not over there in pain,” explained Davies.

Judge DiBenedetto responded that he could not tell the Department of Corrections how to operate its facilities, but he would suggest to AMCC that they allow Bradley to take his prescribed medication while in jail.

After the conclusion of the hearing, Bradley was escorted in handcuffs to AMCC by an Alaska State Trooper who allowed Bradley to take his medication with him. Bradley is scheduled to reappear in Court on June 19th for his next hearing.

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