The Iron Dog, the world’s longest snowmachine race, has appointed a new executive director. Susan Duck, former executive director of Anchorage’s Fur Rondy, will replace Kevin Kastner, who has led the nonprofit Iron Dog, Inc., for the past seven years.
Duck comes to Iron Dog after leading the Fur Rendezvous through a period of over $200,000 in debt and back to financial solvency. She helped to found the popular “Running of the Reindeer” event, oversaw the Anchorage Centennial Celebration in 2015, and was the mayoral appointee in charge of the Anchorage Winter Olympic Exploratory Committee in 2013.
In a statement, Duck said she’s looking forward to taking over from Kastner and to future opportunities for the organization and the race.
Duck’s appointment comes three weeks after Kastner announced his resignation in mid-July. Kastner is departing Alaska to lead racing and event marketing at AMSOIL, which manufactures synthetic lubricants for a range of automotive uses.
Jim Wilke, president of Iron Dog’s board of directors, lauded Duck’s professional qualifications and emphasized his confidence that she is the best choice.
Iron Dog registration opens October 7th, and the 2018 race is scheduled to begin on February 17th.