Regional Native Corporations Listed on AK Business Magazine’s “Top 49ers”

Alaska Business Monthly Magazine named multiple native corporations from Western Alaska as part of the “Top 49ers” last week. The Top 49ers designation takes into consideration Alaskan-owned and operated companies’ annual gross revenues.

The Arctic Slope Regional Corporation is listed as number one, with a gross revenue of over $2.3 billion. NANA Regional Corporation in Kotzebue came in at number three, with $1.3 billion.

Further down at number 10 is the Bering Straits Native Corporation, with a revenue of $326 million. Also on the list, Sitnasuak Native Corporation is ranked number 24 out of the Top 49ers. SNC’s revenue is reported as being more than $130 million.

Image at top: A map of the corporations established under the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) of 1971.

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