Community Spread Continues in Nome, Possible Exposure from Taxi Cabs

The Norton Sound region now has 62 active cases of COVID-19 with almost all of them identified as Nome residents. That tally comes after Norton Sound Health Corporation announced five new cases this morning.

According to NSHC, yesterday one patient tested positive though the City of Nome’s COVID testing and quarantine requirements. Three individuals are considered close contacts of a previously confirmed case of COVID-19. And the latest patient to test positive is considered a case of community spread in Nome.

Since all of these newest cases are located in Nome, NSHC is now offering drive-up testing for people who are identified as close contacts of an individual who tested positive for COVID-19. If you do not have a vehicle and would still like to be tested without going to the NSHC Operations Building, you can call 907-434-0461 to set up a testing plan. Appointments to receive a COVID-19 test in Nome can be setup online as well by going to:

The regional health corporation has also announced that anyone who rode in a local taxicab within the last three days may have been exposed to someone who tested positive for COVID-19. NSHC is not saying taxicab passengers must automatically quarantine, however, if you notice any symptoms or feel concerned, please get tested this week.

NSHC’s announcement follows the City of Nome’s latest emergency order which closed restaurants and bars to onsite consumption, as well as limited taxicab capacity to no more than one person at a time, unless they are from the same household.


If you have a fever, loss of taste or smell, or other symptoms of COVID-19, NSHC urges you to immediately quarantine and make an appointment at the Cough and Cold Clinic by calling 443-3333.

Since the pandemic began there have been 256 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Norton Sound. 62 are currently active while 194 are considered recovered. There have been no deaths reported and three hospitalizations total based on NSHC’s latest dashboard update.

Image at top: In Nome, sunrise is just shy of 12:00 noon on the winter solstice. Photo: KNOM file.

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