At Tuesday night’s school board meeting, Nome-Beltz Middle High School Principal Teriscovkya Smith recognized two Students of the Month: seventh-grader Melody Johnson and freshman Juliet Tobuk.
Smith commended Johnson for her leadership, enthusiasm, and support for her peers. Smith read aloud remarks from Johnson’s science teacher, Jennifer Berry, who described her as “a true scientist” that brings a positive attitude to the classroom.
“You love to learn and you have a great attitude every day. You mentor other students and celebrate their accomplishments,” Smith shared, adding that “If that’s not a future teacher, I don’t know what is.”
English teacher Ryan Horton praised Johnson's calm and supportive nature.
“You offer words of encouragement to your friends, a shoulder to lean on when they’re stressed, and you never seem to be stressed yourself,” Smith shared. “Your peers are thankful that you’re always there for them.”
Johnson’s parents, Boogles Johnson and Allison Johnson watched with adoration as their daughter was commended.
Tobuk was recognized for her humility, creativity, and commitment to excellence. Smith shared her admiration for Tobuk's positive energy and the way she uplifts others.
“You have this grace and humility about you,” Smith said. “I watch you in the halls and the way you are with other students, you just have this verve about you and positivity about you, and I watch the way you impact other people.”
Rosa Wright shared words of support highlighting Tobuk's diligence and curiosity.
“You strive not just to complete assignments but to truly understand the content,” Smith shared on Wright’s behalf. “That caliber of work is going to serve you well.”
When asked for advice for her fellow students, Tobuk said, “Just try your best and to hope that you can do something good.”
Toward the end of Tobuk’s recognition, she was joined by members of the Nome-Beltz cheer team.