Colorful Creations: Nome’s ‘Salmon on Parade’ inspires young artists

Norton Sound Health Corporation, sponsored the “Salmon on Parade” contest, where community members in Nome and surrounding villages had the chance to decorate a salmon cut out and win a cash prize.

One of the artists is seven-year-old Elizabeth Phan. Her salmon, decorated with swirls and bright colors, is titled “Ocean Glamour” and was inspired by one of Nome’s scenic spots.

“Since we live in front of the ocean, I thought oh, maybe I should do my fish as inspiration from the ocean.” She says she used acrylic paint, a swipe technique, and glitter to decorate her salmon.

Prizes were awarded for the best overall, best message, most creative, and most culturally- inspired projects. There were no rules in decorating your salmon, besides signing your name and keeping your decoration family-friendly. The decorated salmon showcase artwork from artists from across the region.

The salmon on parades give all ages an opportunity to creatively express themselves and display their artwork to the community.

Image at the top:  Mandy Ellanna’s “Dreaming of Summer” salmon design won third place in the adult category. Photo by Ava White/KNOM.

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