Health officials call for public action in response to COVID spikes in Nome and Brevig Mission

Norton Sound Health Corporation has reported 55 new active cases of COVID-19 in the Bering Strait region over the last two days. Thirty-four of those are in Nome, bringing the total number of cases in the city to 87.

Amid the current COVID-19 spike in Nome, NSHC continues to emphasize vaccinations, Public Relations Manager Reba Lean said.

“The fact remains that unvaccinated folks are at much higher risk of hospitalization and death. … Statewide, 86% of all COVID hospitalizations are those from unvaccinated,” Lean said.

NSHC is glad that City Manager Glenn Steckman instituted a mask mandate two weeks ago in all indoor public spaces, Lean said. She also encourages residents to redouble their vigilance and remember the precautions from the early days of the pandemic.

“We’re asking folks to consider picking back up some of those safety habits, really making sure to mask in public, wash hands, avoid socializing in large crowds too much, stick to your household, and close groups of friends and family when possible,” Lean said.

Outside of Nome, there are 21 active cases of COVID-19 in Brevig Mission, 11 in Elim, four in Unalakleet, two in Shishmaref, two in Shaktoolik, one in Koyuk, one in Stebbins and one in Wales.

Including the 87 cases in Nome, there are a total of 130 active cases in the Bering Strait region as of today, Oct. 22.

Image at top: The COVID-19 Virus. Photo credit: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

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