Nome Plans to Use NSEDC Community Benefits for City HVAC Upgrades

The Nome Common Council has $200,000 from the Norton Sound Economic Development Corporation that they plan to spend in their regular meeting tonight.

The funds are from the NSEDC Community Benefits Share and are likely to be allocated to upgrading heating and ventilation systems at City Hall. The resolution claims that the funds benefit the community by allowing Nome’s tax dollars to be spent elsewhere. In previous years, the council has allowed non-profit groups to apply for parcels of the NSEDC money.

Tonight’s agenda remains short, but the council will also likely include discussions on the last $227,893.68 of unallocated federal CARES Act funding. Congress extended the deadline for municipalities to spend those funds through the December coronavirus bill.

Just under half of the $5.7 million Nome received has gone back into the community in the form of grants or utility credits.

Another $2 million has gone to cover city payroll expenses for coronavirus related activity.

The Common Council meeting takes place tonight at 7pm at Nome City Hall.


Image at Top: City of Nome Council Chambers. Photo: Margaret Demairoibus, KNOM.

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