New COVID-19 Cases in Norton Sound Announced Two Days Later, Count Up to 189

Norton Sound Health Corporation announced two new cases of COVID-19, which were found over the weekend. NSHC made the delayed announcement yesterday around 4pm.

One patient received their positive result on Saturday and is a resident of Nome. NSHC said in yesterday’s announcement, this case is believed to be a close contact. The latest Nome patient to test positive brings the local total to ten active cases of COVID-19.

The other newest case, who tested positive on Sunday, is a resident of a Norton Sound regional community, however NSHC did not specify which one. The individual is isolating in their home community and they are considered to be a travel-related case. NSHC reminds any close contacts of a previously confirmed COVID-19 case that they will need to quarantine for 14 days.

The regional health corporation is also encouraging residents to stay in the Norton Sound region during the upcoming holidays and avoid contact with those outside of your household.

There are now 189 total cases of COVID-19 in the Norton Sound region. 166 of those are considered recovered while 23 are currently active.

Image at top: Nome’s Norton Sound Regional Hospital. Photo from Laura Kraegel, KNOM file.

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