All Regional Cases of COVID-19 Active in Gambell

Gambell’s number of COVID-19 cases has increased by three, again. According to Norton Sound Health Corporation, all 22 of the region’s currently active cases are in that one community.

NSHC announced yesterday that the newest cases in Gambell are connected to the recent outbreak that started less than two weeks ago. The regional health corporation says community spread seems to be the cause.

All patients are reportedly in isolation, however the community’s options for isolation units are limited. NSHC says they are still supporting Gambell by sending supplies and health care staff.

Community-wide testing is still underway as well. According to NSHC, any close contacts who have already been tested and came up negative for the virus, can be retested seven to 14 days after their first test.

If you are showing symptoms of COVID-19, such as fever, coughing, and loss of taste or smell, contact the Nurse Call Line at 443-6411.

With the latest patients in Gambell, there are now 83 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the Norton Sound region. 22 of those are active, while 61 are considered recovered.

Image at top: Particles from the coronavirus. Photo in the public domain via Creative Commons.

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