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(907) 443-5221

NSHC Has Ventilators in Nome, Village Clinics Have COVID-19 Tests and Oxygen

An aerial view over a snowy, coastal Alaska village in wintertime

The Norton Sound Health Corporation reports that it has 11 ventilators to service the region and all of those are located in Nome. Ventilators can be used to support the breathing process when extreme cases of COVID-19 cause a patient’s lungs to fail. NSHC is reporting that all Bering Strait communities have some COVID-19 testing […]

NSHC Prepares Quarantine Units For Patients and Travelers Waylaid in Nome

Nome's Front Street on a wintry night

Most Bering Strait communities, including Nome, have passed self-quarantine requirements for anyone entering their villages. The measures are meant to prevent the spread of COVID-19, but also adds complications for patients who still need to travel back and forth to Nome or Anchorage for medical care. KNOM’s Emily Hofstaedter reports that Norton Sound Health Corporation […]