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(907) 443-5221

“Dear Friend…” (April 2020)

Subsistence satisfies much more than just immediate hunger. It requires commitment, community, time, and respect. Hunting and gathering food teaches values like hard work, nutrition, sharing, stewardship, and patience. Christ’s Eucharistic sacrifice gathers His followers, fosters faith, and demonstrates the depth of love required to feed the family of God. There is no “fast food” […]

St. Michael’s Tanks Are Sinking

A picture of Virginia Washington, grant writer for St. Michael, smiling at her desk with a lot of notes on the wall behind her.

The 41-year-old fuel tanks for the village of St. Michael are bright yellow with spots of rust, perched like uneven teeth in the snow. The units are refilled from a barge in the summer, when the ocean is ice free. The tanks did not pass a recent Coast Guard inspection. One of the tanks was […]

Expedition Remembers 1925 Serum Run

A team of mushers and history enthusiasts set out to commemorate the effort to get critical diphteria antitoxin to Nome and prevent an epidemic 95 years ago. Phil Pryzmont, who described himself as the ‘trail boss’, said “we have six dog teams and seven snowmachine support doing about an 18-day camping trip from Nenana to […]

Norwegian musher Thomas Waerner Wins 2020 Iditarod

A picture of Thomas Waerner in front of the Iditarod finish sign and a Norwegian flag in Nome, Alaska.

The 2020 Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race was one of the last sporting events still held in the midst of fears about the novel coronavirus COVID-19. It was won by Thomas Waerner, a Norwegian mushing his second Iditarod. Below are more photos from this year’s finish line. Image at top: Norwegian musher Thomas Waerner is […]

From the GM’s desk (April 2020)

“New and unique challenges have occurred over this Lenten season, but we know salvation is coming! There is hope. The continuation of the Iditarod across treacherous trail and harrowing weather conditions shows this perseverance in times of darkness. Recent COVID-19 concerns have affected close connections across Western Alaska, but communities are still able to subsist […]