780 AM | 96.1 FM 


(907) 443-5221

‘Dear Friend of KNOM…’ (May 2019)

Western Alaska is a land of extremes: winter’s darkness and summer’s midnight sun, the Bering Sea, vast stretches of treeless tundra, thriving communities and roadless infrastructure.

Native Youth Olympians

Native Youth Olympics high-kicker, seen in a three-image series successfully kicking a suspended beanbag in a high school gymnasium.

Native Youth Olympics (NYO) events — like the Eskimo stick pull, seal hop, kneel jump, scissor broad jump, and high kick — all connect to skills needed for subsistence.

Studios, Doubly Blessed

Man sprinkles holy water on room within radio broadcast studios

First, Bishop Chad Zielinski of the Diocese of Fairbanks blessed the KNOM studios during a recent visit to Nome. The second blessing was a reduction in utilities.

Bee-utifully Learning Yup’ik

a young girl writes on a notepad with a pencil, with posters behind her that read "Spelling Bee" and "Quyana"

The 8th Annual Yup’ik Spelling Bee for Beginners isn’t just about putting letters in the correct order. It’s about revitalizing a language through a new generation.

BSSD Art in Juneau

“Alaska’s Heart Through Student Art” featured artwork from four students in the Bering Strait School District. In late March, these creative representations of life and culture in Western Alaska were displayed in Juneau.